Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The first step...

First off, just going to say that I have not heard anything back about my wrist.  I called my rheumy on monday and they told me to call back on wednesday.  I was going to ask to get them to rush it but really would it make that much of difference?  I have already had this issue for over a month, what will a few more days hurt.  I didnt mention that after the xrays and stuff  we went over and I ordered a new brace for my wrist.  They called on monday and it is in so going to have to go in and get it t omorrow or thursday (depending on mom's schedule as I can't really drive right now).

Oh speaking of wrists, had an interesting predicament this weekend.  I had my left hand all wrapped up in my immobolizer and had been taking my pain killers pretty regularly (long trip, stress etc makes my pain worse).  We were all (all 4 generations of the family, only my dad not there) and all of a sudden there was this load *clunk* my mom turned to me, saw that my left wrist was still wrapped up and just goes "You have got to be kidding me".  Nope, my right wrist had just dislocated and my thumb was going to go soon too.  Try eating pizza with your left wrist in an immobolizer, your right wrist all wrapped up in an ace bandage and your thumb covered with bandaids (mimicing a splint).  My mom had a pretty good laugh though at how pathetic I looked and I think it showed to the rest of the family just how easy and often these things occur.  Thankfully it has already 'cleaned up' and I am having no issues with it. The thumb is still slightly problematic but no different than a normal thumb dislocation.

So as to the title of the post.  I am now the proud owner of a 9inch, plastic support bar in my bathroom.  It is right beside my shower so that I can grab it to use as support when I am getting out of the shower as that had started to be an issue.  With the POTS and autonomic issues I get really lightheaded in the shower so have to be careful.  This is my first visible adaptive permanent device.  I need to really get a shower chair but it's so big and visible that I have yet to start down that road.  Maybe now that the first one is out of the way, subsequent help might be easier to adapt too.

1 comment:

  1. The splints, wrappings, bracing and bandages don't seem that unusual until you have them on multiple areas! Then people wonder if you've just fallen down a hill or something. How could a normal looking person hurt themselves literally doing nothing? You gotta laugh at EDS sometimes :) I almost passed out in the shower once - NOT FUN. I hope your wrist feels better soon. I think I heard on the news yesterday that we had the lowest barometric pressure ever recorded when that big storm system went through.
