Thursday, October 21, 2010

Not impressed :(

Okay, so I dislocated my left wrist about a month ago.  No big deal right?  I mean it goes out all the time with no real issues.  Well, this time I think there are issues.  I have had it splinted this last week or so but still it's in a lot of pain, swelling and just 'wrong'.  I gathered up the courage to go into my Rheumy's office yesterday to ask if I could get it looked at.  Apparently it was his busy day (it was the monthly meeting for all his patients on 'dangerous' medications to check in with him).  Thankfully someone had just cancelled an appointment so they just happened to have an opening for today.  We also headed over to the place that I get most of my braces from and they switched from the Corflex one that I already had to another brand that just fit horribly!  I could have put 3 fingers between my wrist and the bend in the brace for the wrist, and 1 or 2 in the thumb bend.  The lady working there was shocked as she had never seen it fit THAT bad before on anyone and we decided that no amount of bending done to it would make it fit well enough.  She mentioned that she could order the one that I already had.  We tried a few other stores but couldnt find the one I wanted.

So today, I was having a bath to get ready for my appointment and noticed that the water was nice and warm, except for an area about the size of a toonie on my left wrist felt really cold.  Got dressed and we headed into town for the appointment.  I thanked M for fitting me in and again said that it just didnt feel right and she told me that yes, I definitly needed to get it looked at.  Went in and saw Dr. W. I took the brace off, told him I dislocated it, went over again a breif history (dislocations happening very frequently, carpel tunnel, etc) then he wanted to look at it.  He did a few small and gentle tests of it, pressing in areas, confirming where the pain was.  At one point he did a move that hurt and I guess he saw it on my face (I usually dont show pain at all, keep it internalized but when I do show pain it means I am in PAIN) and very quickly stopped and said he didnt want to play with it anymore.  He asked how many times in my life I had it xrayed and I told him probably only one or two times, the last time would have been 5 or so years ago before I had an MRI.  He mentioned that MRI's of wrists never show anything and wanted to know who ordered it.  He then told us that yes it was significantly swollen (I dont swell), he could see a loss of ROM (which isnt really a bad thing lol) and then wanted to feel my other hand and noted that my left wrist, on the inside, felt a lot warmer than the other side.  He told me that yes I definitly made the right move in coming in and that xrays were more than warrented in this case (and maybe should have been done sooner than a month later - oops!).  He wrote up the req form and wrote a full little letter on it.  Said something like xray left wrist post-dislocation, hypermobile and EDS, and to check for a fracture or any other abnormalities.  I asked what about results and I was under the impression that the xray people would be letting me know.  I thinked him again and we were on our way.

Next stop was the hospital for xrays.  Went in, didnt have to wait long before I was called back.  They asked what I was doing to dislocate it (like I can remember the cause of all my dislocations) and if I thought it was still dislocated or if it was back in (I think it is back in) and a breif explanation of EDS and I threw in about the low bone density as well.  She did three different views and told me I was good to go.  I asked her when I would find out the results and she tells me that someone would have to read it but the refering doctor should get the report in 4 to 5 business days!!  Oh and if it was urgent the refering doctor could call in to get it read stat.  Mom and I were not happy with leaving after so little.  We avoided the ER as it's one of my fears having to go in and have the ER doctors messing around with whatever joint I was having issues with.  And we didnt want to take up time in the ER for a non-emergent issue.  However, if we had of gone through the ER, we would know whether or not my wrist is actually fractured or not :S

Well, in 4 - 5 business days I will update as to what is going on with my wrist >:-(

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