Tuesday, May 10, 2011

OS Appointment - Not Happy

I saw the OS at the knee clinic today and things could not have gone worse.  At this point even thinking about it ends in me crying my eyes out.  Also I have taken 6 of my pain killers today while I normally only take one or two max.  And I still will need a dose before I go to bed.  This was one of the worst appointments I have had and to top it off I even had the guy insult me!  Top it off dad figures that nothing can be done so we should go out on walks every night to help build my strength up (even though I have had my rheumy and a physiotherapist tell me that my muscles are strong enough and much more strengthening can actually cause just as many problems and my mom just isn't saying or suggesting anything.  Will post more, probably when the sadness and depression move on to become anger so it can become a rant and not a depressing whine.


  1. Oh nooooo! I'm sorry to hear that! Those appts. are the worst, when you are fighting back the tears in the office. I hate it when people tell you "Just exercise more." As if it were that easy!!! Hey we have Vonage at home now and I think we get free calls to Canada. Maybe I can call you sometime?

  2. It was just a really bad appointment, the guy even insulted me at one point (at least I took it as an insult, dad didn't) then we get to the car and dad had a great idea to fix everything - We will just go out for a walk every night!! I swear they just don't get it becuase I don't like to focus on it and make it a main feature of my life every day. I guess it's time to stop hiding the pain.
