So friday went well, K got his Blue belt with no problems, he was in a very very big grading class (20 kids!) so it was pretty late by the time we got home (for him at least) so we watched some TV as he was wide awake and then we all headed off to bed.
Saturday he had lots of fun! He went to his first sparring class where they are now actually teaching them the point system and how to actually spar (before it was just get your gear on and go at it to get them used to the gear and stuff) and he stuck around to watch the adult's spar as well which he enjoyed.
At around 5, mom, K and I headed into Sarnia for a night out. We went and bought our tickets for "Hop" and then went out to supper at Harvey's. While there they actually were handing out free samples of their chocolate milkshakes so we got dessert too ;) We got to the theatre early as it would be a packed show so we all got our drinks (and I got popcorn, you can't go to the movies without popcorn!) and got good seats (I have to sit on an aisle so I can stretch my legs out). The movie was really good and really funny for both adults and kids. The only annoying thing was that after the lights went down there were at least 3 familes of 5 coming in to try and find seats together, well that didn't happen as it was packed. I mean it's the second day the show is open, it's the 7pm showing and you figured you could just waltz in when it started and get great seats? We went to walmart after as K needed some new rubber boots. We did some looking around and I picked up some items I needed as well before coming home and watching the last episode of season 4 of buffy.
Today, sunday, sucks!!! I am in so much pain it's not even funny. My right knee is all swollen up again and I can't bend it, my back from midway down all feels ''off" like all the vertebreas are dislocated or something, my legs are still feeling very weak and my fingers and hands are so swollen I can't even make a fist. Add to that that my brother's girlfriend and her daughter are out (my brother is out west working) so I couldn't really nap or anything because we have a 4 year old and 9 year old upstairs. And I believe they are staying for supper which really bugs me as I feel horrible, look horrible and was just hoping to ignore it all.
I understand that; when I have an outing there is usually a recovery day that follows! Hope you feel better soon!