First off, I went to see the anesthesiologist (I have no clue whatsoever as how to spell that!) and everything went fine. Made sure to remind him of the no locals and that was about it. I have seen this guy before and he remembered the EDS part of my care which was nice. He said that there should be no problems and it should go just as smoothly as the last one. I asked if there was anything I could do to get a good vein for that day (heat pads, water etc) but he said nothing could really be done and then asked where my good vein was (I told him, it's on my hand) and he says just make sure to tell them where your best vein is and not let them tell you otherwise (which I learned a long time ago with IV's).
Secondly yesterday I had three pretty nerve wracking calls all within about 15 minutes of each other.
Call # 1 (Knee Clinic -> Me)
I get on the phone and she tells me that they have a date for my Dynamic CT Scan. I ask her to wait a minute until I get upstairs near the calendar then ask for the date. It is for this sunday. The 20th. The Daytona 500. Dad's one and only date that he has a bunch of guys over to watch this race. Not only that but the time they give me is for 1pm. The race starts at noon. It takes 1 hour to get there and 1 hour to get back. All of our hearts just drop. I ask if that was a cancellation date or if I rescheduled how soon it would be. She told me to call the imaging department and ask when there next date would be but to not say you need to reschedule until you know when the next date would be. And then call the clinic back to make a follow-up about 10 days from the scan.
Call #2 (Me -> Hospital)
I get through to the imaging depatrtment and say that I was just called with a date that wasn't going to work. They knew my name before I even told them lol. I told them that as we were so far away that we couldn't rearrange things to get there. She said that was fine and asked me if saturday would be better. I thought she meant if a saturday date would be better but no, she was asking if this saturday, Feb 19th would work. I looked at my dad and he nodded (glad that it wouldnt be on sunday lol) and she gave me a choice of 9ish or 2ish. Well tomorrow (saturday) night they have plans to go out to supper with a bunch of friends so he wanted the 9ish appointment (when my parents are doing the driving they get to pick the times, I would have prefered the later one). So we get that all planned out and find out where I should be going.
Call #3 (Me ->Knee Clinic)
I call them back and get to a scheduling secretary to make a follow-up appointment with Dr. F. She tells me that Dr. F is out of the office next week so she had to check. Well that is when my heart dropped into my stomach as the first two weeks of March I already have 2 doctor's appointments and dental surgery! Anesthetics and me don't get along too well and it takes me a lot longer to recover from it than the surgery I will be having. Then the next week is March Break and I am hoping to be able to do some stuff with K. She comes back on and asks if the 22nd of March will be okay and I gladly took that date! Ironically, 9 years prior to that date I was at the hospital attached to the clinic for my knee scope.
So that's about it. This mornings appointment went well, have to get a good nights sleep to get up really early (probably leave here no later than 7:45ish) and see what this test consists of. I googled the name and haven't found anything. Apparently it's a "Dynamic CT scan" to see what the inside of my knee is doing when I bend it and to really see the tracking of the knee cap. I have no clue about contrast and that is what is bothering me right now. I have put up a message on facebook to see if anyone knows (BTW please no one mention this blog on facebook as I want this to be non-family seeing it, it's my place to vent and I would feel I had to censor myself if family was reading this!)
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