Okay, I will now write about what actually happened. Knee is still sore but I manged to get a few decent hours of sleep.
Dad and I left the house at 7:30, stopped at Timmy's and then headed off. We took the highway this time as dad wanted to give the truck a 'good run'. We got to the hospital around 9 and headed in. We almost missed the place where we were supposed to go first as we entered the hospital through a 'staff only' entrance. We found the registration, they made me up a blue card (they hospital and clinic uses other cards for easier access to files) and told us where to go. We though we were going the right way but then ended up seeing the ER and figured it wasn't right so we backtracked. We got to the CT area around 9:10 and I had just sat down and a lady came out to get me. Dad waited in the waiting area and I went back.
The best news? No contrast! So no injections or IV's. I was so relieved when I realized that. The bad news? It hurt a lot! She took the following views:
1) Both legs straight out (realized that it hurts a lot to put my bad knee straight)
2) Both legs bent slightly (less than 45 degrees)
3) Both legs with my toes pointed and thigh muscles constricted
4) Multiple views of my bad leg twisted many different ways to get images of where the knee cap sits (other leg out of shot)
5) Image of my left leg straight out while my right leg was up in the air
6) Image of my right leg straight out while my left leg was up in the air
Those are the basic ones. #4 hurt a lot but was also interesting. In order for her to get a picture straight on of my kneecap, I had to have my foot pointing outwards laterally. I guess that shows so pretty messed up tracking right there. And that was it. I was in and out in around 20 minutes!
We got back to the truck and I instantly took a dose of painkillers and advil and we were off again. We stopped at Timmy's just on the outskirts of town so we could both use the bathroom and then we headed off. About halfway home I started to feel really really bad. I got all clammy, felt lightheaded, nauseaus, headache and just so wrong. When we were about 20 minutes away dad asked if I wanted to get out and maybe stretching my leg might help but I just wanted to get home. I reclined the seat and just closed my eyes until we got home.
We get home and I still feel just weird. I felt wired like I couldn't sleep and kept trying to talk to mom but she kept thinking I was done and leaving. I go upstairs and mom takes one look at me and tells me to go to bed. I was white as a ghost, sweating badly and just 'jittery'. It was like my POTS when nuts and didn't know what to do with my body. I came down to bed but couldn't sleep so I played on my DS for a bit and then finally was able to get a few hours of sleep. I got up as my parents were going out and K and I just got some pizza and sat on the couch in our jammies and watched 4 hours of 'The Simpsons' (he loves the show, mom hates it so he only gets to really watch it with me so it makes it a nice treat for him.) and chowed down on chocolate lol. After they got home mom and I watched an episode of 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' (I bought all the seasons in the fall for us to watch) and then I came down to bed. I checked my email, wrote a small post on here and then headed for bed. Didn't wake up until shortly after noon today. Still feeling a bit 'off', still having sweating episodes and still in a lot of pain. But they are done and I go back to the clinic on March 22nd to find out the results.
I hope they can find out something from all that torture :)