Monday, June 13, 2011

GP's Doctors Appointment

Well this was the day that I had booked almost a month ago to get in and see my family doctor (Dr. B).  I had to really think about what it was that I had actually made this appointment about!  However a few main things did happen so I will just focus on what happened:

1) Headaches
I have not been happy as the bad headaches I used to get are coming back.  So far they aren't too bad but they are getting worse and I didn't want to leave it for to long.  I have been on elavil for these headaches for years and have never had to change the dose which is a rarity for me!  The headaches are assumed to be from all the issues going on in my neck but no offical cause has been found.  For some reason the elavil stopped them and have kept them in control so that is what matters to me at this point (I have had many brain and neck MRI's to rule out anything serious).  I tell my doctor this and he agrees that the dose should be raised but he isn't sure how he wants to do it.  He wants to go slowly and work up instead of ending up with a dose that is to high and me becoming a 'zombie' (his words lol).  He decided on using 10mg pills and to take one at night on top of what I am already on for a few weeks and if that isn't doing it we will keep adding 10mg's on to it until we reach the level that is needed.

2) Swallowing & Specialist
In the report from my internist / cardiologist it mentioned (among other things, but that is an entire post in and of itself!) that a swallowing test be done to see why I am having problems swallowing.  I had talked to the nurse who does the pre-visit check that I wanted to ask about getting the test done as well as a referal to a GI doctor (sepcifically the one that my dad goes to see), so when my doctor mentioned that he wants to get the test done and then he will send me to the specilist that was also mentioned in the report I agreed.  I find out later however that she wants me to see a 'speech and swallowing pathologist' and not a GI doctor!  So I am going to schedule the test and get it done and over with but am debating on the other doctor.  On one hand I want to do everything the internist suggests so it shows I am open to anything but on the other hand I remember that she belives the swallowing issues I am having is because of depression (I don't want to eat because I am depressed so my body makes it hard to swallow - would almost make sense if I wasn't gaining weight like I have been doing lately!).  Not too sure what I am going to do with this one.

3) Bloodwork Results
This is the bloodwork that my internist ordered a while back.  This was the set that was done by her to basically show me that my thyroid was normal and that while we were testing that we might as well add in a bunch more just for fun.  Well, yes, my thyroid is still under '5' but it is getting closer and closer each time (3.9 this time) I get tested for it so I might as well just sit around and wait until it makes it to '5' (if it does, but I think it probably will, just my own health hunch).  Shockingly my B12 is finally at a health middle of the range number!  I go back and forth with B12 shots and viatmins trying to find the right balance between anemia and toxic values.  I started this B-complex vitamin a few months ago and it seems to be keeping me in a nice spot which is definitly nice and a good thing!  My MCH is slightly low (it is at 27.4, low starts at 27.5) so I am not concerned about that.  However, my C-Reactive Protein is elevated and my ANA is Positive!  In the office he basically told me what the tests were and that my 'muscle disease' would account for those values and to not be concerned.  That was until I got home and actually looked this stuff up! (There will be a post to follow about more to do with this topic later)

So all in all it was a pretty positive appointment and was able to get not one, but TWO things accomplished which is a definite rarity.  Even more so was that my GP printed out the report from my internist / cardiologist and the set of bloodwork values without me even having to ask for them, guess he has finally caught on to me wanting my results in my own files in case I ever need them.

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