Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Knee Saga - Part Three

This all happened in the span of about a month, a really really bad month - November 2004.  This will be in point form as I am getting the details off of my old blog instead of going into all the crap again.

Oct 22nd - Find out Dr. F will not be doing the surgery, it will be Dr. G, decide to make an appointment to see Dr. G before he operates on me.

Nov 9th - Appointment with Dr. G, decides that he doesnt think the surgery is needed and that my issues are the tendon and not the bursa.  Tells me he will get me in within the week for an emergent MRI and that I might have surgery in 3 - 4 weeks to repair the tendon.

Nov 13th - Find out Dr. G didn't write a referal for an urgent MRI, just to have one within 3 - 4 weeks, even though he told me surgery would be in 3 - 4 weeks.  Had to call around to the receptionist and MRI place to get anything figured out as I was going away for the weekend and wanted things figured out. Told me to call first thing on the monday as they had openings next week.

Nov 15th - Find out that Dr. G has to call MRI place to get an urgent MRI as he had not marked the request as a pre-surgical MRI.  Get a lot of attitude from Dr. G's secretary

Nov 16th - Scheudled surgery date.

Nov 18th - MRI date scheduled - decided that I do not go to major doctor appointments alone anymore as they do not take me seriously.

Nov 19th - Went to get painkillers from my GP to take during the MRI, got tylenol based pills which because of my allergy, the pharmacy could not fill.

Nov 21st - MRI done

Nov 22nd - Told I have an appointment in a week to see Dr. G, get mad at that as he wanted an urgent MRI but wants me to wait a week for an appointment.  Receptionist tells me that they got me in within a week for the MRI so I shouldn't complain and then another secretary tells me 'This is why Dr. G likes to see new patients before operating on them' to which I told them that I was the one who wanted the appointment.

Nov 31st - Follow-up appointment with Dr. G.  Says I harrassed his secretary (I called twice), told the MRI department he was a liar (he basically was), refused to let me speak and when I did get a chance to talk and state that I trust Dr. F so why was he saying that Dr. F was wrong and he accused me of manipulating him, that I should be lucky the surgery just wasn't cancelled instead of getting transfered to a new OS, he told me surgery was not needed and walked out of the room.  My dad was able to ask two questions.  1) What is the visible lump on my knee (yup it's bursitis) and 2) What treatment we should be seeking (he would send us a list of alternate OS's).

It took my GP months to get a copy of the actual MRI report that stated that I had bursitis and a tear in my patellar tendon.  This was just a very bad time as I had planned on going back to school for a fifth year (I graduated in April of '04, was going back for a second degree but ended up having to stop because of health issues), had put off looking for a job, had moved back home to have it done and just put my life on hold to have this surgery done.  Then I got an arrogant jackass of an OS who made my life hell for a month!

That is about all I want to write about this part of my saga.  It was a very bad time and I got very depressed becasue of it.

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