Or how my stubborness and pride is a bad think. I had wanted to get into town to do some boxing day shopping. I had got money for my birthday and was hoping to get a few games for my Wii in my room so I would have something to play. I also wanted to look around and find any good deals like normal. Well with my knee being the way it is we put it off again and again until I decided on tuesday night that we should try shopping the next day. So this morning we got up early, I found my crutch and off we (mom, K and I) went.
First stop was at Blockbuster to see if they had any good used games or movies. I was still getting used to the crutch and was having issues with my purse (I sling it over my right shoulder so it sits at my left hip, I was using the crutch on my left side). I did find a game that I wouldnt mind getting but decided to wait on it as we were goign to go to the used game store. So we went to Game Stop next. At this store I discovered that I could not reach up or down at all so mom had to help me. K got a great deal and got two Wii games (Battillion Wars 2 and Godzilla Unleashed) for $45 and I bought a DS game (Logic Machines) for $15. Again saw two games that I wouldnt have minded but as the one was an exercise type of game and I couldnt use it and the other wasn't the one I was looking for, I decided to wait and see if I could find the one I wanted.
Next stop was Walmart. I had to get a drink at this point as I had such a dry mouth. We went over and I tried the electic scooter that they had but I had to slightly have my knee bent (can't do that yet) and I guess pride set in as I saw people walk by and stare at me so I decided not to use it (A choice I very much regretted later). Instead I pushed the cart and we put the crutch in it in case I needed it. We walked around Walmart for quite a while with all three of us looking for specific items as well as good deals. I ended up buying some half off Christmas chocolates, a half off bath set ($4.50 for 5 bottles - shower gel, body cream, body mist, band lotion and lip gloss in 'cherry blossom') and then got a great deal when I am across both seasons of "Eli Stone". Mom and I had watched most of the first season but missed the second and they were on sale for only $12 each (and then they rang through the check-out at only $10 each) so I used the gift card my nan had given me for Christmas for those (I like being able to tell her what I got with the money she gives me). They didnt have either video game I was looking for there either. K ended up buying 2 beyblades and mom ended up with a cart full of stuff! Mom and I paid for our stuff and she took it out to the van while I helped K buy his stuff and we waited at McD's for lunch. Had a quick lunch and I was able to rest my knee for a while which was good.
Next stop was Future Shop as dad wanted us to find "E.T." as our old VHS copy did not work and he watned K to see it. I wanted to look for Wii games there as well but there was very little selection so I went over to the movie side with mom. She found the DVD and then in the center aisle was a rack with different seasons of "The Simpsons" for only $15 a season. K likes the show now and it's something I have always liked so we decided that we would each get a season. K grabbed #6 and I grabbed #7 and then decided that at that price I might as well get another so picked up #8 as well ( I already own #1). So we head to the check out and I notice a bin of CD's that were 75% off. Leona Lewis' "Echo" was in there so I picked it up and asked if it was 75% off the price that was on it and she said yes. Somehow the cashier ended up charging me like $5 for the CD and $10 each for the DVD's so I was glad that I had picked up two! (She did notice that they went through at $10 and not $15 and mentioned that it took the discount off the DVD's instead of the CD but that it didnt really matter).
Next was Bulk Barn as mom needed to get some mixed nuts to make bits and bites and to get some dog bones. K and I waited in the car for this stop. Next we headed to Shoppers to see if any of their video game stuff was on sale but they were sold out of almost everything. I did get a few things of Lindt chocolate though for half price. We then went back to Game Stop as I decided that I would get the game that I was looking at ("My Sims: Secret Agent") so I would have something I could play. Mom went in to get it as I just couldnt walk anymore.
On the way home mom suggested we do my birthday supper (Chinese) that night but I asked if we could do it tomorrow as my knee was hurting so bad that I was nauseas and I just wanted to sleep. We dropped K off and headed to our local Shoppers as I had to get a perscription figured out. I was looking in the pain med aisle and was wondering if there was a muscle relaxant that didn't have the 'fillers' (advil, tylenol or asprin) in it as I am having muscle spasms in my knee but cant take tylenol or asprin and dont want to take much more advil as it's already making my joints 'slippery'. I went to ask the pharmasist and he was great! He brought down a few bottles of just a plain muscle relaxant, asked why I wanted it and not a combo and then asked how many pills I wanted. He had a bottle with 4 in it or a new bottle with 50 and said they sell it by the pill! I got the 4 and he charged my like $3. I havent tried it yet but probably will end up tomorrow. Finally we went to Food Land to pick up a few items then home so I could crash. I stayed up for about 30 minutes then just had to go to bed.
When I went to sleep I had one of the bad pressure headaches and when I woke up around 7 it was 10 times worse. It was one of the headaches that you had to stay still. Whatever side you were lying on was the side that hurt the worst. Add to that the 'next day' side effects of severe muscle spasms in my back hit around 8 and that my knee was really mad at all I had done that day and I was in agony. I know I was very grumpy and snapped at people, ended up in tears at one point and for most of the evening I had a heating pad on my back, an ice pack in the curve between your neck and head and an ice pack on my knee. Around 11 I just gave up, took some pain killers and tried to go to bed. I ended up having to take some asprin/codiene/caffine pills in order to be able to sleep (I am not sure if its the codeine or caffiene that helps them but they do and if I am taking them to go to bed I can put up with the side effects the asprine 'allergy' gives me).
So good day but horrible horrible night :( (BTW I am writing this up on the 30th but putting the post date as the 29th to keep the dates proper)
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